Friday, May 11, 2012

                              Manhattan project                                 

What can ever be more dangerous, disastrous and catastrophic to our World then a nuclear bomb?
It can perish the world and suck in all the life from you in just a moment like a whirlpool . And now I am going to lay before you the history of it, starting from the world war to Manhattan project to the explosion.
Before I go for the history , I would like to tell that many people , ignorantly , criticize Albert Einstein for the invention of  nuclear bombs . But it is totally a false statement. Yes, there is a contact between nuclear bomb and Einstein but from other aspects.  First of all, the nuclear bomb uses Einstein’s  theory of relativity’s equation =>  E=MC^2 . The second contact is related to history , rather than science . Before the world war two , Einstein , in 1937 2nd August , sent the president of America a letter informing that Germany had been making a nuclear bomb in secret .
And therefore started another secret project in America named Manhattan Project attempting to make another nuclear bomb .
Let’s now go to physics . By the name – Nuclear bomb , one can surely understand that the energy must come through nucleus of an atom. And one who have learnt the whole of theory of relativity and  the history of Manhattan project can be sure of it , as if without even reading it . But still let’s get back to square one . Energy In a nuclear bomb comes from the nucleus of an atom which consists of electron , proton and neutron . The first bomb that caused the explosion  in Hiroshima – Little Boy – used Uranium 235  as  the nucleus . In a uranium 235 there are 92 protons and 143 neutrons . One can surely understand that this  nucleus is large and mostly in solid form .
If we can put another neutron in this nucleus , it will be broken into two parts and there will be some many other smaller neutrons. We will also that these smaller neutrons’ mass will be smaller than the total mass of the primary neutron and the neutron (that has been put into). This mass difference comes out as the energy .
It seems like as if it is like a piece of cake , but the first work is like getting as tall as the altitude of the sky from earth . Collecting Uranium 235 is very hard as most part of the Uranium is Uranium 238 from which we can’t make nuclear bombs. It is an isotope.  Even putting the nucleus into uranium is very difficult.
We all know that when nuclear bomb explodes , it starts chain-reaction. Scientists have found out that to start the chain-reaction , we have to put the uranium together at a certain mass called the Critical Mass . If I write down the amount of Critical mass , then I may have to go to jail myself .
If you can put two parts of uranium 235 at critical mass together , then the energy shall come out . For nuclear bomb  we need Super Critical Mass .
This was the explanation of Little Boy .Now we are going to talk about the second bomb made in the Manhattan project .
Plutonium 239 was used in the second bomb . We have to give pressure to a large sphere and make a smaller super critical mass . And then the general ordinary bombs around the sphere explode  to cause a huge explosion ! And then ………BOMBA      BOOOOOOOM !!
This manhattan project was under Robert Oppenheimer , a very great scientist , who is usually credited  for the discovery of nuclear energy .
The explosions occurred in 1945 , 6th August in Hiroshima and then on the 9th August , 1945 . 
Information source and reference : Md. Jafar Iqbal 's book - Aro Ektukhani Biggan

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